pinguiner Svelte Themes


📙🐧Prisma Svelte just playing around with a CRUD (Twitter-like) app


No auth, kinda like Twitter, but Rich Text. Just playing around with CRUD on SvelteKit, Form Actions, TipTap (Rich Text Editor), Form Actions, Prisma, SQLite.


  1. Setup
> $ git clone
pinguiner> $ cd pinguiner
pinguiner> $ pnpm install
  1. Database Setup
npx primsa generate
npx prisma db push

This is only local. I'm using a file database with sqlite inside the prisma/ folder. You can always create an .env variable, add DATABASE_URL on it, and use url = env("DATABASE_URL") in schema.prisma if you want to change.

  1. Run the dev server
pnpm dev

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