SLAM Svelte Themes


SLA Mapper (SLAM) – is a tool that aggregates data that community boards often have to gather in order to review liquor license applications and sidewalk cafe applications. Displaying this information in a unified view saves community boards considerable time and resources.


SLA Mapper (SLAM) – is a tool that aggregates data that community boards often have to gather in order to review liquor license applications and sidewalk cafe applications. Displaying this information in a unified view saves community boards considerable time and resources.

How to Contribute

  • File an issue via this repo's issue cue.

  • Request a feature via this repo's issue cue.

  • Comment on issues.

  • Write code to fix issues or to create new features. When contributing code, please be sure to:

    • Fork this repository, modify the code (changing only one thing at a time), and then issue a pull request for each change.
    • Follow the project's coding style (using K&R-style indentation and bracketing, commenting above each feature, and using snake case for variables).
    • Test your code locally before issuing a pull request.
    • Clearly state the purpose of your change in the description field for each commit.


SLAM is a landing page that displays a Carto basemap and markers for each row of four datasets stored in BetaNYC's Carto account (1) 311 complaints about a club/restaurant/bar since 2017, 2) active SLA licenses, 3) sidewalk cafe licenses, and 4) the location of restaurant inspections). It also displays polygons representing buildings DCP has classed as schools and churches. Clicking on a marker further queries the datasets stored in Carto for additional information about the complaint/license/inspection. Datasets in in Carto are regularly automatically synced with datasets stored in the NYC or the NYS Open Data Portals. Searching for a NYC location queries NYC Planning Labs' GeoSearch for the geo-coordinates that correspond to the entered address, and the map repositions to this location.


In order to set things up, you'll need to copy .env.example to .env and add your Carto and GeoClient API keys.

cp .env.example .env

Then you run to install node.js packages

npm install

You can either build by running npm run build or run live development environment by running npm run dev, then opening localhost:5000 in your browser.

Backend Services


Most of the data for SLAM is stored in BetaNYC's carto account.

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