
Burkes_gambit_sveltekit Python

Trying to recreate the board game "Burkes Gambit" in sveltekit and python

To run:

install requirements.txt in /server

  1. In /server start server.py
  2. In ws_test run npm i and npm run dev

Build and start server using docker:

  1. run docker-compose up
  2. The app will be hosted on port 8080


Game actions

  • add dice graphics (On going)
  • calculate dice probability (done)

Look at other players characters and stats

Character info

  • Generate with stable diffusion charactes

Order of actions

  1. Use saved dice (check db if saved dice exists and if which it is)
  2. Roll Dice animation
  3. Save or use Dice (depending on dice)
  4. One character has the option to take another turn. Needed to be added

Implement Character powers

  • Add a button (Use Character powers), add boolean in db "powerUsed"

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