# PostWallApp This is a corner store version of twitter built using SvelteJS,ExpressJS and MongoDB. It is a personal project to help me polish my skills and I also enjoy making it. Add your mongouri,PORT number and refresh_secret in a .env file in the backend directory. To have it running navigate to frontend in one terminal and run this command -> npm run dev Then navigate to backend and run this command in another terminal -> npm start Now enjoy and play around with it.

NB: Remember to fork it and don't make any changes on the main branch I'll make the code more readable as time goes on.

Running backend

  1. Open a terminal in the backend folder (or navigate to it. Just make sure you are in backend folder
  2. Run npm start to start the server

Running frontend

  1. Open a terminal in the frontend folder (or navigate to it. Just make sure you are in frontend folder
  2. Run npm run dev to start the client server

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