kafka-test-app Svelte Themes

Kafka Test App

Kafka producer and consumer example. Web UI included.

Kafka Example Application

This repository contains a fully packed demo application with Kafka producer and consumer. Producers is implemented as SvelteKit web UI application and consumer is a trivial Golang service.

Disclaimer: this repos is only for demonstration purposes and is intended to be a trivial local sandbox, not a production-ready solution in any kind.


  • kafka-test-app-ui - a SvelteKit web UI, where user can send a message to Kafka topic called UI_Messages with arbitrary text.
  • kafka-test-words-counter - a Golang service that consumes messages from UI_Messages Kafka topic, count words in it and save text and words count into PostgreSQL table user_text.


  • 3 nodes of Kafka brokers connected in single Kafka cluster.
  • kafka-ui for managing cluster.
  • PostgreSQL server
  • pg-admin for managing PostreSQL.

Web UI features

  • Sending Kafka message to automatically choses partition or for specific one.
  • Broadcasting Kafka message to multiple partitions.
  • Adding header(s) to produced Kafka message.
  • Setting message key. If nothing is provided, then key will be a UUID v4 string.

Consumer features

  • Deduplication: while saving record to database, message key is used as a primary keys for record.

How to use

  1. Install docker and docker-compose on your machine. Easiest way for all OS is to install Docker Desktop.
  2. Clone/download this repo and open its root directory in terminal.
  3. Run docker-compose -f docker-compose.full.yml up -d --build to start services with all infrastructure.
  4. Validate that all containers started. Exception is kafka-create-topics container, it only creates a UI_Messages topic and will exit after job is done. Running it one more time after docker compose was up is a plus.
  5. Use Web UIs:
    • kafka-test-app-ui is available from localhost:3000.
    • kafka-ui is available from localhost:8080.
    • pg-admin is available from localhost:5050.
      • login and password for UI are admin@admin.com и root respectively.
      • login and password for database are foo and bar respectively. Server in pg-admin is already registered, you just need type a password.
  6. When you finish playing, you can stop and remove all running containers via docker-compose -f docker-compose.full.yml down --rmi=all --volumes.

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