
Uce Svelte Typescript

Example project of uce with Svelte and TypeScript

µce with Svelte and TypeScript

µce is a tiny helper library to create Custom Elements. This example project helps to set up a project using µce together with Svelte/TypeScript.

Use with Svelte (or SPA libraries)

Using Custom Elements as HTML elements, the typing in the µce definition object would get lost. For example, it would be valid to use a component prop that isn't specified:

<my-counter counter={99}></my-counter>

When using Svelte, you can preserve typing by using a thin wrapper around the Custom Element:

<script lang="ts" context="module">
  import { define } from 'uce';
  import { MyCounter } from "../uceElements/MyCounter";

  // Create the Custom Element so that we can use
  // <my-counter></my-counter>
  define('my-counter', MyCounter);
<script lang="ts">
  import type { Props } from "../uceElements/MyCounter";
  // Validate exported props against the uce type definition
  export let count: Props["count"] = 0;

<my-counter count={count} />

Now the wrapped Custom Element can be used as a typed component:

<MyCounter count={99} />

Repo setup

This repo was initially created with npx degit sveltejs/template svelte-typescript-app.

The example component is a simple (and slightly modified) counter that is used on webcomponents.dev to compare Web Component libraries.

  1. Clone this repository
  2. cd uce-svelte-typescript
  3. npm install

Run and build

  • npm run dev - runs the dev server on port 3000
  • npm run build - creates bundle.js in public/build
  • npm run serve - runs a server on public

What about Internet Explorer?

Svelte and IE 11 - I haven't figured it out yet.

See also

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