astro-svelte-portfolio Svelte Themes

Astro Svelte Portfolio

This a portfolio website created within the framework of an assesment by the Web-eleven company

Stefanos Palaiochoritis Portfolio

Welcome to my portfolio! This is a web application built to showcase my skills, projects, and experience as a web developer. The application is built using Astro, Svelte, and Tailwind CSS, with full support for localization (English and Greek).


  • Astro Framework: Modern static site generation for lightning-fast performance.
  • Svelte Components: Dynamic, reusable, and reactive components.
  • Tailwind CSS: Utility-first CSS framework for responsive and clean designs.
  • Localization (i18n): Multi-language support with English (default) and Greek translations.
  • Responsive Design: Fully responsive layout optimized for all devices.
  • Dynamic Content: Projects and content are rendered dynamically based on the selected language.
  • SEO Optimized: Includes metadata for improved search engine visibility.


To run this project locally, follow these steps:

  1. Clone the repository:

    git clone
  2. Navigate to the project directory:

    cd web-eleven-assignment
  3. Install dependencies:

    npm install
  4. Start the development server:

    npm run dev
  5. Open your browser and go to:


Localization (i18n)

This portfolio supports two languages:

  • English (default)
  • Greek

The translations are stored in src/i18n/en.json and src/i18n/gr.json. Astro's Astro.currentLocale is used to dynamically determine the user's selected language, and all pages and components fetch their content based on the locale.

Switching Languages

Users can switch between English and Greek using the language switcher in the header.

Technologies Used

  • Astro: For building a fast, modern static website.
  • Svelte: For dynamic, reusable components.
  • Tailwind CSS: For responsive and customizable styling.
  • i18n: For localization and multi-language support.
  • Node.js: For running the development environment.

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