address-mapper Svelte Themes

Address Mapper

It calculates the distance between addresses and provides a user-friendly interface.

Address Mapper


Address-Mapper is a full-stack web application built with SvelteKit (Frontend), Node.js + Express (Backend), and MongoDB (Database). It calculates the distance between addresses and provides a user-friendly interface. This project supports Docker deployment, making it easy to set up locally and in production.

Getting Started

Pre-requisite: Docker client should be running, envs should be added ( this will just make sure the third party apis are working )

  1. Clone the repo

  2. Add environment variables in /backend before running the project, create a .env file inside the backend folder and add the following variables:

  MONGO_USERNAME= # MongoDB user name
  MONGO_PASSWORD= # MongoDB password
  MONGO_HOST= # MongoDB host
  GOOGLE_API_KEY= # Google API key
  ALLOWED_ORIGINS= # http://localhost:5173 for local development and testing
  1. Update variable API_URL and set it to localhost url web/src/config/constant.js
    localHost url: http://localhost:7004
  2. On project root terminal run
      make service

Hosting & Deployment

The project is live and accessible at

The application is deployed using Railway, and Docker is used for containerization, ensuring reliable deployment environments

API Documentation

You can access swagger api-documentation at

Make sure to change the server to production server while using the api-doc.

Tech Stack & Features

Category Technologies
Frontend SvelteKit, Vite, Bootstrap
Backend Node.js, Express.js
Database MongoDB
Deployment Docker, Docker Compose, Railway
Linting ESLint, Prettier
APIs Nominatim (Geocoding), Google API (Distance Calculation)


  • Built with SvelteKit and Vite for modern UI development
  • Uses Bootstrap for responsive design and styling


  • Secure and scalable Node.js & Express.js architecture
  • Joi Middleware for request validation and data integrity
  • API documentation with Swagger
  • Retry Mechanism to handle API failures gracefully
  • Rate limiting, CORS, Helmet, and Joi validation for security and performance
  • Proper test cases with node:test


  • MongoDB for flexible document-based storage

Third-Party Integrations

  • Nominatim API for address-to-coordinates conversion
  • Google API for accurate distance calculations

Security & Performance

  • Rate Limiting to prevent abuse and throttling
  • CORS Enabled to handle cross-origin requests securely
  • ESLint & Prettier for code quality and formatting

Deployment & DevOps

  • Dockerized Backend & Web using Docker Compose for easy deployment
  • Railway for cloud hosting with auto-deployments
  • Makefile to consolidate commands

More commands

  make lint-backend

Lint and Format the Backend Code. Fixes ESLint errors in the backend code (backend/**/*.js). Formats code using Prettier for consistent styling.

  make start-backend

Starts the Backend. Navigates to the backend directory and starts the Node.js Express server. Runs on port 7004 by default.

  make start-web

Start the Frontend. Navigates to the web directory and starts the SvelteKit frontend. Runs the frontend on port 5173 by default.

  make service

Start the Full Application with Docker. Runs the entire application using Docker Compose.

  make service-build

Builds all Docker containers without starting them. Useful if you want to prepare images before deployment.

  make service-stop

Stops all running Docker containers gracefully.

  make test

Start running the backed test cases.

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