package.json - Contains the dependencies ans scripts necessary for the project to run (Svelte is used only in the compilation phase and never bundeled into the code that is sent to the browser; rollup, listed in the devDependencies list is the compiler which transforms the Svelte code into Javascript that the browser understands)
rollup.config.js - the file with all the Rollup setups
package.json - to give information to npm that allows it to identify the project as well as handle the project's dependencies
package-lock.json - locks dependencies to a specific version number (ensures that installations remain identical for all developers and environments)
node modules - the folder where all dependencies are installed (it gets generated when running yarn or npm install)
public - contains static files that are published when we want to make our project live (it contains a favicon.png file, not specific to Svelte; a global.css file, which holds global styling for the whole app; index.html, the only HTML file in the app and it is basically the entry point for the whole Svelte code)
scripts folder contains a setup file for Typescript
src folder contains two files: main.js, in which we import the Svelte root component and invoke it as a function (App in the initial setup); the app targets the body of the single HTML file in the projects and that's where the Svelte code will be rendered. The App.svelte file which contains all the Svelte code: the HTML, the CSS and the Javascript code, all in one place.