

Svelte and json RPC minimal client

Fast Fail

pnpm i to install deps.

  • Run pnpm deploy:local on Dojo repo
  • Wait until port:8080 is available ^^
  • Run pnpm dev
  • Goto localhost:5173 & Open dev console in browser
  • See Models loaded from Torri 👍
  • Enter in form & submit see response from /api 👍
  • Execute Torri Tx and see subscription payload update in web app. 👍

^^ find relevant FE code in +page.svelte

See graphql onload query in +page.gql

Extend API

Use the routes/api/+server.ts to update the POST method and trigger a transaction in Katana (from this server)


pnpm deploy:cp_syatem_abis copies the abi json files from a dojo project, this is assumed to be at ../tot but can ofc be overidden

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