A service-worker svelte-kit vite plugin to use with workbox


npm i -D kit-sw-workbox


// svelte.config.cjs
const sw=require('kit-sw-workbox')

module.exports = {
    kit: {
       vite: {
          plugins: [
             sw({routes: []})

By default it is going to cache all the static files and build files except the routes

Routes: are the routes which you would like to be cached too Example:

sw({routes: ['/','/about',...]})

Example service-worker file

Workbox module import statements and importScripts

Usings module imports

Install the modules you need

npm i -D workbox-precaching

// src/service-worker.ts/js

import { build, files } from '$service-worker';

import { precacheAndRoute } from 'workbox-precaching';

precacheAndRoute([...build, ...files]);

// this is required if you would like to create a prompt or so
// a SKIP_WAITING message is sent from browser window
self.addEventListener('message', (event) => {
  if (event.data && event.data.type === 'SKIP_WAITING') {

Using importScripts with workbox-sw

import { build, files, timestamp } from '$service-worker';


// debuging is false by default
    debug: true

// load module you want to use

workbox.precaching.precacheAndRoute([...build, ...files]);

Example in your browser window code

Using workbox-window

npm i -D workbox-window
//  src/routes/__layout.svelte

import { dev, browser } from '$app/env';

if (!dev && browser) {
  (async () => {
    if ('serviceWorker' in navigator) {
      const { Workbox, messageSW } = await import('workbox-window');
      const wb = new Workbox('/service-worker.js');
      let registration;

      // this will always activate the new build on available

      // if you want you can show a prompt to user instead
      // whether they wish to actiavte now and restart the page
      // thereby losing their current webapp state
      // or they want restart later
      const skipWaiting = (event) => {
        // fires when the waiting service worker becomes active
        wb.addEventListener('controlling', (event) => {
    // some logic to allow user to SKIP_WAITING
        // if the user accepted we skip_waiting
        if (registration?.waiting) {
          messageSW(registration.waiting, { type: 'SKIP_WAITING' });

      // fires when service worker has installed but is waiting to activate.
      wb.addEventListener('waiting', skipWaiting);
      //   @ts-ignore
      wb.addEventListener('externalwaiting', skipWaiting);

      wb.register().then((r) => (registration = r));

Need any help you can open an issue


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