Ask Hadith
🔎 Hadith search engine powered by Atlas Search
Technologies 📱
- Vercel: For serverless functions (in Go) to search and get hadiths.
- MongoDB Atlas: Database and search engine.
- Svelte: Web app (Frontend).
- Netlify: Web deployment.
- TailwindCSS: Styling.
Features ⭐
- Search Hadiths by anything (full text search).
- Search hadith by book name and number, like
bukhari 1029
. (currently has some issues)
- Bookmark hadith (local storage).
- Install as PWA.
- Copy and share hadith.
Development 🧑💻
cd web
npm install
npm run dev
- Serverless functions (Go)
npm i -g vercel
vercel dev
Test the api /api/search?search=cat
Support 🙋