graph-sdk-svelte-demo Svelte Themes

Graph Sdk Svelte Demo

Using svelte to demo lightweight SDK functions

Svelte Demo using @alpaca-travel/graph-sdk

Svelte offers an excellent environment for developing lightweight vanilla JavaScript applications.

This demo shows that you can build a working site:

  • Load a list of curated places you've added to an Alpaca collection :earth_africa: :earth_americas: :earth_asia:
  • Add/Remove/View items from an itinerary :hammer: :wrench: :rocket:
  • Network calls using GraphQL to only fetch the data needed :envelope: :speedboat:
  • Lightweight ~10KB total for app and dependencies :school_satchel:

Running local

Clone this demo down, and you can then run the following command:

npm install
npm run dev

Once started, visit http://localhost:5000 in your browser to interact with an example site.

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