
Super Svelte Router

A powerfull, easy to use Router for svelte


this project follows semver

a small, simple router for svelte

Table of contents


  import { Router } from "super-svelte-router";

  const routes = [
      path: "**",
      component: NotFound,
      path: "/",
      component: Main,
      path: "/about",
      component: Main,
      path: "/product/:id",
      component: Product,
      path: "/lazy",
      component: () => import("./Lazy.svelte"),
      loading: Loading,
      lazyLoad: true,
      path: "/protected",
      authenticator: () => {
        // some authentication logic
        return true;
        // or if fails
        return false;
      // or
      authenticator: async () => {
        // some async authentication logic
        return true;
        // or if fails
        return false;
      authComponent: authComponent,
      component: Protected,

<Router {routes}></Router>



routerStore is a custom svelte store that contain the status of the router

Also the Router will pass every property on $routerStore as props

for example you could do this:

  export let params;


instead of:

  import { routerStore } from "super-svelte-router";


To prevent that pass noProp prop to the Router


  import { Router } from "super-svelte-router";

  const routes = [...];

<Router {routes} noProps="{true}"></Router>

redirect method

routerStore.redirect is used for redirecting


import { routerStore } from "super-svelte-router";

// to replace instead of push
routerStore.redirect("/hello", true);

Not found routes

DO NOT put more than one 404 route in routes

to use 404 route you set path to ** like below

    path: "**",
    component: NotFound

example for 404 component

<h1>404 Not Found</h1>

Static routes

DO NOT use : in static routes


    path: "/static",
    component: Static

example for static component

<h1>I'm static</h1>

Dynamic routes

to use a dynamic route put : before the dynamic part(s) of url you could have as many dynamic parts as you like

for example:


in this example :id could be replaced with anything including :id

example for pathname(s) that matches this example

/foo/100 /foo/random-id /foo/:id /foo/ <-- be careful with this one

use routerStore to access params


    path: "/foo/:id",
    component: Params

example for params component

  import { routerStore } from "super-svelte-router";

  console.log($routerStore.params); // => { id: "100" }

<h1>id is {$}</h1>

Lazy loaded routes

to use a lazy route you set lazyLoad.component to a function that returns a dynamic import for component

you muse setup rollup first see Setting up rollup for code splitting

if you use this module before v1.5.0 see this note


    path: "/lazy",
    // or lazy with params
    path: "/lazy/:id",
    component: () => import("./lazy.svelte"),
    lazyLoad: true


loading is an option to display a component while the lazy-loaded component is loading or failed loading

if you want to set a default loading component see defaultLoading

routerStore value will have these properties:

  • loadingStatus a string that represents the status of loading if pending component is still loading if error loading failed
  • error (optional) represents an error happened while loading component
  • params Loading component have access to params


    path: "/lazy",
    component: () => import("./lazy.svelte"),
    loading: Loading,
    lazyLoad: true

example for Loading component

  import { routerStore } from "super-svelte-router";

  {#if $routerStore.loadingStatus === "pending"} Loading... {:else if
  $routerStore.loadingStatus === "error"} Error {/if}

{#if $routerStore.loadingStatus === -1}
<div>error {$routerStore.error}</div>

Protected routes

to use a protected route you set authenticator to a function that either returns a boolean or a promise that returns a boolean

the router will display the protected component only if:

  • authenticator returned a truthy value
  • authenticator returned a promise that returned a truthy value

otherwise authentication failed and it will hide the component


    path: "/protected",
    // or protected with params
    path: "/protected/:id"
    authenticator: () => {
      // some authentication logic...
      return true;
    // or
    authenticator: async () => {
      // some authentication logic...
      return true;
    component: Protected


authRedirect is an option to redirect the user to a different route (/login for example) if authentication fails


    path: "/login",
    component: Login,
    path: "/user-info",
    component: UserInfo,
    authenticator: () => {
      /* some authentication logic... */
    // redirects the user to "/login" if he is not logged in
    authRedirect: "/login",


authComponent is an an option to display a component if authentication failed or pending

if you want to set a default authComponent see defaultAuthComponent

the router will pass the following props:

  • authStatus a string that represents the status of authentication if pending authenticator returned a promise and it's pending if fail authentication failed if error authenticator returned a promise and it reject
  • error (optional) represents an error if authenticator returned a promise and it reject
  • params Auth component have access to params


  import { routerStore } from "super-svelte-router";

  {#if $routerStore.authStatus === "pending"} Checking if you authenticated
  {:else if $routerStore.authStatus === "fail"} Sorry, you are NOT authenticated
  {:else if $routerStore.authStatus === "error"} Sorry, Unknown error happened

Layout routes

layout routes is to create a layouts that wraps some other routes


layout could be a number or true if number that means the layout should be applied for the next layout value of routes

if true that layout will be applied for the routes next it unless another layout overwrite it


    layout: 1,
    component: Layout1
    // Layout1 WILL be applied here
    path: "/example1",
    component: SomeComponent
    // Layout1 WILL NOT be applied here
    // 'cause it only convert it's 1 next item(s)
    path: "/example2",
    component: SomeComponent
    layout: true,
    component: Layout2
    // Layout2 WILL be applied here
    path: "/example3",
    component: SomeComponent
    // Layout2 WILL be applied here
    // 'cause it will continue to convert routes until another layout overwrites it
    path: "/example4",
    component: SomeComponent
    layout: true,
    component: Layout3
    // Layout3 WILL be applied here
    // and Layout2 WILL NOT
    // 'cause Layout3 overwrited Layout2
    path: "/example5",
    component: SomeComponent
    layout: 1,
    component: Layout4
    // Layout3 WILL NOT be applied here
    // 'cause Layout4 overwrited Layout3
    path: "/example6",
    component: SomeComponent

writing Layouts


  // all the other $routerStore properties is still accessible via props
  export let params;

<h1>I'm Layout</h1>
  <slot />

  div {
    border: 2px solid black;
    padding: 20px;


metadata is an object that contains some metadata for the router

    metadata: true,
    defaultLoading: loading,
    defaultAuthComponent: Auth,


if loading is not set the routes will use it as a replacement


if authComponent is not set will use it as a replacement


if you want to have a component being in App.svelte instead of having a hole file for it use Component

Component takes a prop called name to identify it

to use a Component set component to the Component's name

you could also set authComponent and loading to the Component's name

you could access every thing on routerStore via slot props


  import { Router, Component } from "super-svelte-router";

  const routes = [
      path: "/",
      component: "main",
      path: "/article/:id",
      component: "article",

<Router {routes}>
  <Component name="main">
    <h1>This is the main page</h1>
  <Component name="article" let:params>
    <h1>This is article {}</h1>


if you want to check if a route is use isActive

isActive is a derived store the it's value is the function

that you pass the pathname of route you want to check if it's active


  import { isActive } from "super-svelte-router";

<h1 class:red={$isActive("/")}>I'm Red if route is /</h1>

  .red { color: red }


use routerStore.redirect instead

redirect is function to redirect programmatically

NOTE: do not use full urls this function only works with pathname(s)

import { redirect } from "super-svelte-router";

// replace instead of push
redirect("/endpoint", true);

link is an action for redirecting

  import { link } from "super-svelte-router";

<a href="/hello" use:link>/hello</a>

<!-- or (not recommended) -->

<a use:link="/hello">/hello</a>


use link instead

linkHandler is a function that handles clicking on a link (a tag)

  import { linkHandler } from "super-svelte-router";

  function handler(e) {
    // your code...

<!-- if what you is only redirecting -->
<a href="/hello" on:click="{linkHandler}">/hello</a>
<!-- or -->
<a href="/hello" on:click="{handler}">/hello</a>


lazy-loaded routes deprecated format

since v1.5.0 lazy-loaded routes format changed and it will still be supported until v2.0.0

deprecated (old) format:

// deprecated
    path: "<path>",
    lazyLoad: {
      component: () => import("<component-path>"),
      loading: LoadingComponent, // (optional)

current format:

    path: "<path>",
    component: () => import("<component-path>"),
    loading: LoadingComponent, // (optional)
    lazyLoad: true,

Setting up rollup for code splitting

you should set up code splitting if will use lazy loading

in rollup.config.js

export default {
  output: {
    sourcemap: true,
    // change format from iffe to es
    format: "es",
    name: "app",
    dir: "public/build",

in public/index.html

    <!-- add type="module" to script tag -->
    <script src="build/main.js" type="module"></script>

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