svelte-eventbus Svelte Themes

Svelte Eventbus

Simple eventbus realization based on internal Svelte's tools only


Simple eventbus realization based on internal Svelte's tools only.

Use when you need handle events from deeply-nested child components without events forwarding.


  • You can set event listeners on Eventbus component and catch any event created with createEventbusDispatcher in any child component.

  • Events are isolated inside of Eventbus component instance. You can have more than one Eventbus in the parent component. Each will listen events from it's child components only.

  • If you have several nested Eventbus components, events will bubble through them while needed event listener will be occurred.

Usage example:

Parent - App.svelte

    import {Eventbus} from 'svelte-eventbus';
    import Child from './Child.svelte';

    let totalclicks = 0;

<p>Total clicks: {totalclicks}</p>

<Eventbus on:button_click={()=>totalclicks++}>
    <!-- There can be childs in any nest level-->
    <Child />

Nested - Child.svelte

    import {createEventbusDispatcher} from 'svelte-eventbus';
    const dispatch = createEventbusDispatcher();

<button on:click={()=>dispatch('button_click')}>Click</button>

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