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Svelte Docs

A rapid way to write documentation for your Svelte components


Sorry, but current version of Svelte-Docs will not be developing anymore. I will rework whole project with svelte-kit as it will be released.

Svelte-Docs is a rapid way to write documentation for your Svelte components.

It is an early alpha version of the Svelte-Docs so probably buggy and unstable. It also means that future versions may include breakable changes.


  • Based on MDSv format, which allows write documentation in Markdown mixed with Svelte's features.
  • Import and use any Svelte components right inside a markup
  • Documentation building as static files, so you can publish it everywhere
  • Customizable themes
  • Built-in deploy on Github Pages

Getting Started

Just run:

npm init svelte-docs

Then write the documentation and build it into static site.


For more info see the Documentation.

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