mdi-svelte Svelte Themes

Mdi Svelte

Svelte component for Material Design Icons

Svelte - Material Design Icons

Using Material Design Icons in your Svelte projects.

npm install mdi-svelte --save-dev


Go to Demo page.


The example below uses the @mdi/js package which contains all the MDI icon's path data.

    import Icon from 'mdi-svelte';
    import { mdiCardsSpade } from '@mdi/js';

<Icon path={mdiCardsSpade} color="black" />

You can find icons names at


Prop PropTypes Default Details
path string required SVG path data. Usually from @mdi/js
size number, string null {size * 1.5}rem, 1em, 48px
flip bool, string false h - flip horizontal, v - vertical, true - both
rotate number 0 degrees -360 to 360
color string color of the text rgb() / rgba() / #000
spin bool, number false true = 2s, -2 counterclockwise, {spin}s


NPM @MDI Organization @MDI/React module

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