lamina-spatula Svelte Themes

Lamina Spatula

[DEPRECATED] Create beautiful shaders in the browser and generate your JavaScript. Powered by lamina.


A tool for building shader materials without the need to stand up a new project. Inspired by the official lamina debugger, it allows for layer editing and generates the JavaScript for your material. You can use that code as a material in any project that uses lamina and threejs.

Made with SvelteKit, lamina, threejs, threlte, and RxJS

What is lamina? 🍰

From the docs: "Lamina let's you create materials with a declarative system of layers. Layers make it incredibly easy to stack and blend effects."

Learn more:

Where can I use the generated code?

Anywhere you're using lamina and threejs!

vanilla js:

const mesh = new THREE.Mesh(geometry, laminaMaterial)


<Mesh {geometry} material={laminaMaterial} />

What if I'm using React?

If you have a react-three-fiber project, you'll be better off using lamina's r3f imports instead of the vanilla js code. The official debugger allows more fine tuning and JSX code copying. There's a whole suite of amazing tools available for r3f from the Poimandres collective:

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