
Svelte Intl Phone Input

Svelte based Custom Element international phone number input field with proper validation (with country codes) and country picker.

International Phone Number Input Field

A Svelte based internation phone number input field that has full validation for international numbers and a dropdown menu to pick the country code


This project is not yet complete, I will update this later.

How to build the component locally?

  1. Build the component using yarn build
  2. (Optional) Create a public folder
  3. (Optional) Create an public/index.html file
  4. Copy the built component inside a vendor folder (accesible from index.html)
  5. Import the component from the HTML using the defer attribute
    <script defer src="vendor/svelte-custom-element.0.1.0.min.js"></script>
  6. Open the index.html and enjoy the web component

Available scripts

  • start: alias of yarn storybook
  • build: builds your app as a web component and outputs a minified and a normal version to /dist
  • storybook: runs the storybook, this is used when develop because of the live reloading
  • test: runs all test inside src/ and tries to build the widget

Contributing to Translations

Currently this component has support for i18n, but I do not have the resources or time to fully implement the translations. If anyone wants to contribute to the translations feel free to create a PR, any help is appreciated.

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