windows-xp-svelte Svelte Themes

Windows Xp Svelte

A windows XP desktop recreation for personal portfolio purposes

Windows XP - Svelte

A Windows XP desktop recreation for personal portfolio purposes.


This project aims to recreate the look and feel of the classic Windows XP desktop environment using Svelte. It features interactive elements and animations to enhance the user experience, making it a nostalgic and engaging addition to a personal portfolio.


  • Loading Screen: Booting screen with working animation.
  • Log In Screen: Includes a turning off functionality.
  • Interactive Windows: Drag, resize, minimize, maximize application windows.
  • Desktop Icons: Open applications from desktop icons.
  • Sound Effects: Windows XP sounds implemented for logging in and clicking on applications.
  • Functional Start menu with option to log off or "shut down".
  • Optimized for speed implementing Lazy Loading techniques and code splitting (speed index over 90 on Lighthouse for every route).
  • Working Outlook application used for reaching out to me.
  • You can drag, resize, minimize or maximize the application window.
  • File explorer application used to showcase my info and my projects.
  • You can drag, resize, minimize or maximize the application window.

Pending Features

  • Drop down menu on File Explorer application.
  • Deploy on GitHub Pages.


This project will be used alongside the "About Me" project, which utilizes ReactJS and ThreeJS.


To run this project locally:

Clone the repository:

git clone

Navigate to the project directory:

cd windows-xp-svelte

Install dependencies:

npm install

Start the development server:

npm run dev


The Windows XP name, artwork, and trademark are properties of Microsoft. This project is provided for educational purposes only and is not affiliated with or approved by Microsoft.


Special thanks to the developers and designers whose work inspired this project.

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