
Svelte Capacitor Safe Store

Svelte writable store for Capacitor with encryption

Svelte Capacitor safe store

What is this?

This package is designed for developing applications on the Capacitor platform using Svelte or SvelteKit.

With this package, you can create a centralized data warehouse with autosave and fields validation when loading. This package uses @capacitor/storage as the basis.


  • Data encryption and decryption with AES
  • Reactive store
  • Save on change (you can disable this feature)
  • Fields validation on load (if validators provided)
  • Store value getter for .ts or .js scripts


Basic example

import { onMount } from 'svelte';
import store, { initializeStore } from '@7y1o/svelte-capacitor-safe-store';

onMount(async () => {
    await initializeStore({
        name: 'my-custom-store',    // name of the storage (required)
        secret: 'my-secret-string', // cipher secret string (required)

    store().set({ hello: 'world!' })

Advanced example

import { onMount } from 'svelte';
import store, { initializeStore } from '@7y1o/svelte-capacitor-safe-store';

onMount(async () => {
    await initializeStore({
        name: 'my-custom-store',
        secret: 'my-secret-string',
        initial: { some: 'data' },              // initial data if store not saved before
        validate: { some: v => v === 'data' },  // object fields validators object
        autosave: false                         // uses for disabling autosaves (enabled by default)


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