expressapi Svelte Themes


Express API + Svelte front end (school project)

đŸ˜Œ CAT Express 🚄

With CatExpress you can Create, Read, Update and Delete cat breeds


đŸ˜œAdd breed

  • Add a breed by clicking on the big plus button which says "Add Breed".
  • Fill out the information.
  • If you leave the image field blank, a default cat image will be used.
  • Click Submit.
  • A toast message will tell you the breed has been added.

🙀 Edit breed

  • Edit a breed by clicking on the cat breed you want to edit, in the grid.
  • Click the edit button (📝) on the top left.
  • Edit the form to your needs.
  • Click submit.
  • A toast message will tell you the breed has been updated.

😿 Delete breed

  • Delete a breed by clicking on the breed you want to delete, in the grid.
  • Click the delete button (đŸ—‘ïž) on the top left.
  • A toast message will tell you the breed has been deleted.

đŸ˜» Search breed

  • Click the search bar on the top left to find a specific cat breed.
  • Search filters out breeds based on breed names.

đŸ±â€ CatExpress data

CatExpress consists of a server side and a client side

  • The server side is built on TypeScript using Express.
  • The client side is built on Svelte using Vite.
  • By default the CatExpress server runs on localhost and port 3000




Set up

git clone


Set up

cd server
npm install

Build and run

npm run start

Run dev (nodemon)

npm run dev


Method URL Description
GET /api/cats/ Retrieve all cat breeds.
GET /api/cats/id/abys Retrieve breed with id "abys".
PUT /api/cats/abys Update breed with id "abys".
POST /api/cats/ Add a new breed.
DELETE /api/cats/id/abys Delete breed with id "abys".


Set up

cd client
npm install

Build (vite build)

npm run build

Run (vite)

npm run dev

Krav för godkÀnt

  • Projektet innehĂ„ller minst 4 st. endpoints (GET, POST, PUT & DELETE för en resurs)
  • Samtliga endpoints skall kunna nĂ„s via en REST Client fil (.rest|.http)
  • Datan som API:et hanterar sparas lokalt i serverfilen
  • API'et ska svara med 404 om datan saknas.
  • Git & GitHub har anvĂ€nts
  • Projektmappen innehĂ„ller en fil
  • Uppgiften lĂ€mnas in i tid

Krav för vÀl godkÀnt

  • Alla punkter för godkĂ€nt Ă€r uppfyllda
  • All data skall vara sparad i en JSON-fil istĂ€llet för i serverfilen
  • Datan i JSON-filen skall uppdateras dĂ„ nĂ„got lĂ€ggs till, uppdateras eller tas bort
  • Ett klient-grĂ€nssnitt skall byggas för att anropa API:ets alla olika endpoints och presentera datan, redigeringsformulĂ€r skall fyllas i med befintlig information.
  • Ytterligare en GET endpoint skall lĂ€ggas till dĂ€r det gĂ„r att hĂ€mta ett specifikt objekt

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