sticky-notes Svelte Themes

Sticky Notes

An example project integrating Flask and Svelte


An example project integrating Flask and Svelte, based on a tutorial posted here.


In order to set up this project, there are a few things to do.

Client Setup

  1. Change directory to client/ and run npm install -- this will install the dependencies for the client architecture.
  2. Compile the client architecture, by running npm run autobuild from the client/ folder. This creates the .svelte-kit directory which Flask serves from.

Server Setup

  1. Change directory to server/ and run python -m venv venv to create a virtual environment, and . venv/bin/activate to activate it.
  2. Run python -m pip install -r requirements.txt -- this will install the dependencies for the server architecture into your virtual environment.
  3. From the server directory, with the virtual environment activated, run flask --debug run to start the server.
  4. Connect on http://localhost:5000 and observe the majesty!

Credit to Mia Adjei for a terrific tutorial, all I did was update it to use the newest SvelteKit and removed the Twilio API integration.

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