A-Maze-ing Svelte Themes

A Maze Ing

A personal project to experiment with using Golang to generate and solve mazes built on a Svelte Frontend and Gin REST Api



The primary purpose of this application is to generate an interactive 3D maze game for players to navigate and explore!

Through this explorative process of developing an application from start to finish, I hope to develop new skills in IaC automation, CI/CD pipelines, software architecture, 3D rendering on the web and fullstack development.

Note: From August, 2024 onward, service has been moved to vercel. You can check out this project at https://a-maze-ing-ivory.vercel.app

Quick Start

Local Dev

  • To setup local env, run the script ./set-local-env.sh or manually copy .env.local to .env in frontend/ and backend/.

  • To run the whole application, do docker compose up --build -d ( optionally, build and run each container separately)

Run services separately

  • To run each microservice seperately, first run docker-compose as above, then kill the frontend and backend containers docker kill <CONTAINER ID>
  • (frontend) cd frontend && yarn start -> localhost:5173/
  • (api) cd backend then you can either run go run . or use the air plugin for golang (preferred with live-reload) -> localhost:8080/
  • (postgres_db) locally run image using docker-compose

API Access

The following endpoints are currently currently well defined:


  1. POST /maze/generate generates a new maze and solution
  2. POST /maze/solve solves an arbitrary perfect maze
  3. GET /maze?limit returns a list of maze records ordered by solve_time
  4. GET /maze/:user returns a list of maze records belonging to a user
  5. GET /api-health returns status = 200 if api is healthy


  1. PUT /maze/:user updates/create user's maze records
  2. DELETE /maze/:user deletes a user's maze records


// generate
    width: number, 3 <= w <= 35
    height: number, 3 <= h <= 35
    generator: "prim" | "kruskal"
    solver: "bfs" | "bbfs" | "dfs"

// solve
    width: number, 3 <= w <= 35
    height: number, 3 <= h <= 35
    generator: "prim" | "kruskal"
    solver: "bfs" | "bbfs" | "dfs"
    maze: {
        start: number,
        end: number,
        grid: [] // width x width matrix, try using output from generate
    solution: [] // user's attempt at solving, program can validate

e.g generate a 20x20 maze with prim and solve using bfs

Tools / Technologies

✅ -> Currently included, ❌ -> Not yet / partially

  • Frontend

    • Svelte + Vite    ✅
    • TailwindCSS   ✅
    • Skeleton UI   ✅
    • Vercel for hosting   ✅
    • Vitest tests   ✅
    • Threlte for rendering maze / user interaction   ✅
    • Auth0 (login / sign-up / logout)   ✅
  • Backend

    • Gin-gonic API   ✅
      • Request validation   ✅
      • Handlers to perform CRUD to db and generate/solve mazes   ✅
      • Authentication (validate client's JWT access token from Auth0)   ✅
      • Middlewares:
        • CORS   ✅
        • Security (prevent XSS, CSRF)
        • JWT validation   ✅
        • Logger with rotation   ✅
        • Global error handling with standardized error output   ✅
    • Services written in Go   ✅
      • Maze generation (i.e. Kruskal or Prim to build MST)
      • Maze solving (i.e. Bidirectional Search with concurrency using goroutines, BFS, DFS)
    • Testing: httptest and testify (partial ❌)
    • Database
      • Postgres   ✅
  • DevOps & Infrastructure    ✅

    • GitHub actions + Status Checks on PR
    • GitHub main branch protection
    • CircleCi
    • Dockerfiles with multi-stage builds to minimize image size (local dev only currently, but considered pushing/pull to registry as well)
    • Docker-compose (local dev)
      • synchronize local development
      • service ordering with health checks
    • Terraform to provision AWS resources (Not in use anymore)
      • Declarative soltuion with HCL
      • Provisioned VPC, Subnets, IG, EC2, SG, ASG, RDS, ASG, IAM
    • Packer to bake AWS AMI for Jenkins master and workers

Key Objectives:

  1. Set up and experiment with CI/CD (i.e. Github Actions, CircleCI, Jenkins)
  2. Generate and optimize Dockerfiles for each container (Multi-stage builds + caching)
  3. Work with Docker containers and orchestrate locally with Docker Compose
  4. Demonstrate understanding of key Golang concepts by generating and solving mazes (i.e. api setup, concurrency with goroutines + wait groups + channels, etc. )
  5. Achieve seamless integration between frontend UI views and backend services.
  6. Cloud deployment with AWS/Heroku/Vercel
  7. Leverage IaC with Terraform to declaratively provision cloud resources
  8. Use Packer to bake custom AMIs


  1. Generate and solve "perfect" mazes (MSTs with only one path from entry to exit)
  2. Simple frontend - a working solution is sufficient
  3. Limited use of concurrency (can go into a lot more depth but sufficient for the demonstrative purposes of this application)


(Rook model used in the Svelte application) This work is based on "Low Poly Chess - Rook" (https://sketchfab.com/3d-models/low-poly-chess-rook-cbd416e785f64648bff3675fd45b3594) by marcelo.medeirossilva (https://sketchfab.com/marcelo.medeirossilva) licensed under CC-BY-NC-SA-4.0 (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/4.0/)

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