yale-detour Svelte Themes

Yale Detour

READ-ONLY MIRROR of the Yale Detour, a critical history and digital cartography project formerly known as the Yale Critical History Project.

The Yale Detour

The Yale Detour aims to tell alternative histories of Yale. We want to think about how Yale’s history as a colonial institution remains embedded in its architecture and landscape in the present-day, and to highlight sites where Yale students and New Haven residents have changed the course of the university’s history through remarkable moments of struggle.

It was adapted from an in-person tour developed by Esul Burton and Janis Jin. Work on the digital version was begun by Esul, Janis, and Collin Bentley, and is currently maintained by Resty Fufunan, Jose Garcia, Dora Guo, Nathan Kim, and Amy Kim.

Please see our wiki for more information!

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