sveltekit-ultrafast Svelte Themes

Sveltekit Ultrafast

Building a SaaS? This is a rapid prototyping boilerplate for SvelteKit, Supabase, Tailwind, DaisyUI with ready-to-go UI.

sveltekit-ultrafast ⚡️

The sveltekit-ultrafast is a boilerplate for rapid prototyping of web applications which is easily deployable to Vercel or other effortless platforms.

Why sveltekit-ultrafast?

⚡️ super fast application development

💸 effortless, cheap (or even free) deployment & maintenance

🧪 quick prototype = fast reitaration = quick idea validation

💨 highly performant app (Svelte drastically faster than React)

❤️‍🔥 developer-friendly, pleasant stack

With this boilerplate you can create (and effortlessly deploy) a fully-functioning MVP for which you can charge $ within days or even hours (depends on the idea).

Why waste more time on creating something no one will use and purchase?

Contribution guide

In case you have any suggestions, feel free to create an issue on this repository or create a pull request for the changes that you'd like to see.

Also, if you love this work and it helped you make money, you can follow me on Twitter for more. And, please, share your story! I'd love to hear success/failure stories about your apps.


Each of the features have a file with setup guide:

  • blog: src/routes/blog/
  • auth: src/routes/auth/
  • analytics: src/routes/analytics/
  • database: src/routes/database-example/
  • payment: src/routes/payment/

Additionally, documentation can be found here:



  • TypeScript (optional) - you can use TypeScript (recommended for type safety), but you don't have to; no errors will be thrown if you use both JavaScript and TypeScript in this app
  • SvelteKit - fastest, easiest, cleanest front-end framework with SSR


  • Tailwind CSS - definitely fastest for rapid prototyping
  • DaisyUI - most popular UI kit for Tailwind CSS, great components and nice UI
  • Custom UI component - I've included /lib/components/common directory with "component wrappers" for DaisyUI which makes it really easy to modify the components globally; also, their design and functionality is being improved


For database, we use Supabase which provides hussle-free ways of utilizing PostgreSQL databases into web apps.


Using Stripe for handling payments - most effortless to set up, it literally takes 5 minutes.



1. Adjust prettier/eslint settings (optional)

If the prefer a different prettier/eslint configuration, feel free to adjust it:

  • .eslintrc.cjs to update all the eslint rules
  • .prettierrc for all the prettier code formatting rules

Paste this in your settings.json in VSCode:

  "editor.formatOnSave": true,
  "prettier.documentSelectors": ["**/*.svelte"],
  "[svelte]": {
    "editor.defaultFormatter": "svelte.svelte-vscode",
    "editor.formatOnSave": true

This will automatically take care of the Prettier formatting based on the specified .prettierrc configuration. This will make sure that all the code throughout your application is properly formatted so that you don't have to worry about that and make the entire development process much faster.

3. Install all the dependencies

Run npm i when in the sveltekit-asap-boilerplate directory.

4. Create a supabase project

Register your project on Supabase if you plan to have authentication & database-related features.

Create an .env file and fill this with: SUPABASE_PROJECT_URL, SUPABASE_PROJECT_API_KEY which you can easily get after you create a free project on Supabase.

5. Next steps

Depending on your list of features, you can follow the files in each of the /routes directory or the docs page to get started with this boilerplate.

6. Add your favicon

You can either add favicon.[svg/png] in your static directory and then add:

<link rel="icon" href="%sveltekit.assets%favicon.png" />

or, for simplicity, you can replace the current emoji to set the emoji of your choice as your favicon.

    href="data:image/svg+xml,<svg xmlns=%22 viewBox=%220 0 100 100%22><text y=%22.9em%22 font-size=%2290%22>{PASTE YOUR EMOJI HERE}</text></svg>" />

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