Sveltekit Static Blog Template
A lightweight and customizable template for blogs and portfolio websites, bui…
Django Svelte Template
sveltekit / svelte5 with django; auth, forms-actions, toast/flash messages, v…
Sveltekit Cloudflare Fullstack
sveltekit edge fullstack graphql with api crud + pages + worker + D1(with dri…
Astro Firebase Svelte Tailwind Starter
A minimal and accessible template for getting started with Firebase, Tailwind…
Svelte Kit Website Starter
Starter template for website with SvelteKit, Docker, PostgreSQL and Nginx.
Sveltekit Watergis Template
This repository is a sveltekit template to develop GIS for water application …
Sveltekit Landing Daisy
A landing page template with various persistent themes using SvelteKit, Tailw…
Svelte Kit Ethers Template
Typescript Boilerplate for building Ethereum dApps with Svelte Kit, TailwindC…
Svelte Storybook Tailwind
A starter template for Svelte, TailwindCSS and Storybook. You can easily star…